Grace grew up in the small town of Carpinteria, CA, nestled between the mountains and the sea. Her mom taught creative movement for kids, so she began her journey to yoga through dance and play. After graduating from UC Davis with her bachelors degree she traveled around the world making documentary films. It was during this time she began studying yoga in ernest, taking classes in Spain and Bali.
For the past ten years Grace lived in Venice Beach, CA where she was blessed to continue her practice with world renowned instructors including Bryan Kest, Shiva Rea and Saul David Raye. In 2017 Grace received her Yoga Alliance 200 hour teacher training under her incredible gurus Travis Eliot and Lauren Ekstrom of Holistic Yoga Flow.
Grace’s classes offer a strong vinyasa flow, with good music, and mediation. She now lives in her hometown of Carpinteria.